The Power of Strategic Storytelling: Transforming Your Brand and Driving Growth

You know we are fans of storytelling to drive growth here at Growgetter. But what separates storytelling from strategic storytelling?

On this episode of “Marketing, Demystified,” Jenn Mancusi is joined by Bill Harper, chief creative officer at BrandBoss HQ, to discuss the topic. Bill has created brand strategies and creative campaigns for more than 300 brands around the globe, and will share his top tips. Join us.

Show flow of topics on strategic storytelling:

  • Introduction to the topic of storytelling vs. strategic storytelling in marketing
  • How storytelling can change a business by bridging the gap between companies and consumers
  • The importance of emotional connections in marketing and sales
  • Components that make good business storytelling, including market insights and being interesting
  • Making a strong connection with the target audience
  • B2C vs. B2B marketing considerations
  • Defining strategic storytelling – choosing a unique point of view based on market insights
  • Examples of effective brand storytelling over time (Nike, Apple)
  • Fear and risk aversion preventing companies from great brand storytelling
  • Established companies vs. startups in adopting new brand narratives
  • Consistency of storytelling across marketing channels
  • Importance of foundational consumer research before tactics like A/B testing
  • Measuring the effectiveness and ROI of strategic storytelling efforts

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