What are the content marketing best practices to drive business results?

Content can drive results. We know and have seen it, but many companies struggle with moving their content from happening to performing. So, what content marketing best practices must companies follow to do that?

To discuss the topic, Jenn Mancusi is joined by Growgetter’s director of content strategy, Christoph Trappe, a globally recognized content marketer, podcaster himself, and producer of “Marketing, Demystified.”

Why do content marketing best practices matter?

To get content to drive results, following the steps that work is essential. For example, sometimes companies create content that is top of mind for them but that their prospects aren’t thinking about at all – nor are they searching for that content. That content won’t drive results, unfortunately.

Download: How to optimize your blog content to increase web traffic

When best practices are followed, companies can drive actual and measurable marketing ROI with their content.

What are some common best practices?

A few come to mind:

Understand your audience

Content that is created without the actual audience in mind will have a hard time performing and driving any meaningful results.

Listen next:Β Unlock the Key to Success: Understanding Your Audience Like Never Before! A chat with Rand Fishkin

Know your content tilt

The godfather of content marketing, Joe Pulizzi, says companies can drive results with content marketing when they know what kind of content can help them stand out. That means understanding their value proposition, what type of content works, and what kind of content gets them to act.

Getting on a schedule

Good content marketers are on a schedule with their content production for their website, email, and social. They constantly find ways to create high-value content and get in front of the right audience.

Create Unique, Helpful Content

Create unique, helpful content that solves your audience’s problems. Don’t just rehash the same content that already exists. Provide value with a unique angle.

Optimize for SEO

Optimize your content for SEO by researching keywords people are actually searching for, aligning those topics with what you can create valuable content around. Include keywords in headings, meta descriptions, etc.

Diversify Content Types

Diversify your content types – mix up long-form written content with videos, podcasts, infographics. Different formats can help break up text and appeal to different learning styles. And reach people on different networks.

Update Evergreen Content

Update old evergreen content periodically. Look for content that is declining in performance or search rankings and freshen it up.

Experiment with New Content

Experiment with new content types and platforms. Be an early adopter and try things like Clubhouse, AI narration, etc. before others do.

Make Content Engaging

Make content engaging and attention-grabbing. Use storytelling, humor, visuals, etc. to stand out.

Promote Across Platforms

Promote your content across platforms with a “create once, publish everywhere” mindset. Repurpose it for social media, email, etc.

Track Performance and Seek Feedback

Track performance and seek feedback. Evaluate what content resonates through metrics and asking customers. Then double down on what works.

Got more questions? Book a chat with Christoph here.Β 


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